
The below technical standards have been established to assist students in understanding the minimum requirements for successful completion of the core competencies of our 课程. To participate in and successfully complete the Culinary or Baking and Pastry programs (Certificate or AAS), with or without reasonable 住宿s, all students must be able to meet the following general technical standards. 有 ability to perform sufficiently, kitchen, dining room and classroom activities and 程序. 活动包括但不限于:

有 ability to perform sufficiently, kitchen, dining room and classroom activities 和程序. 活动包括但不限于:


  1. Lift and transport food, including hot food, as well as other culinary or baking product, 设备、小器具和器皿.
  2. Lift and carry trays with plated foods, small wares, and other items, and serve and 清理客人就座的桌子.
  3. 安全倒和提供冷热饮料.
  4. Safely handle hot foods such as pulled sugar or other items coming out of a heat source.
  5. Safely use knives for food preparation as well as other commercial cooking, baking, 或者上菜用具
  6. Perform repetitive tasks while standing for extended periods of time
  7. Follow and Maintain the National Restaurant Association's ServSafe and Montgomery County Health Department's sanitation standards for safe food handling
  8. Safely and effectively operate commercial cooking equipment
  9. Ability to lift pots, pans, and other cooking equipment up to 25 pounds in weight.
  10. Ability to move expeditiously around the dining room, kitchen, and storage areas for 每次最多五个小时.
  11. 能够一次站立好几个小时. 必须能够站立和发挥良好的节奏 活动时间长达5小时.
  12. Ability to control and utilize dexterity in a coordinated manner for such activities as writing, typing, keyboarding, slicing, chopping, operating equipment, with both 上肢同时.
  13. Demonstrate gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to perform safe and effective kitchen duties, and respond to unexpected situations in a timely manner.
  14. Demonstrate ability to sufficiently pull and push equipment.
  15. Demonstrate physical ability sufficient to maneuver in small spaces (including standing, 行走、弯曲和四肢活动范围)


  1. Demonstrate critical-thinking ability sufficient for collecting, analyzing, and integrating information and knowledge in order to make safe judgments and decisions that promote 积极的结果和职业行为.
  2. Exhibit ability to follow policies 和程序 required by employers and academic 设置.
  3. Exhibit ability to function effectively under stress and time constraints.
  4. 有组织和优先处理任务的能力.
  5. Exhibit ability to respond appropriately to emergencies.


  1. Demonstrate ability to speak, read, comprehend, and write English at a level that 满足清晰有效沟通的需要.
  2. 表现出倾听信息的能力.
  3. Demonstrate ability to adapt to a changing environment and display flexibility.
  4. Demonstrate sensitivity to multicultural and multilingual needs.


  1. Demonstrate ability to tolerate demanding workloads effectively under stress.
  2. Demonstrate ability to maintain professional composure in a variety of scenarios.
  3. Demonstrate ability to maintain professional conduct and appearance.
  4. 尊重个体差异.


  1. Demonstrate visual acuity sufficient to acquire information from instructions, documentation, 发票和销售票据.
  2. Demonstrate sufficient depth perception and peripheral vision for safe kitchen practices.
  3. Demonstrate visual acuity sufficient for safety, work space, and gathering of materials.


  1. Demonstrate auditory acuity sufficient to be aware of sounds from a variety of equipment 和人员.
  2. Demonstrate ability to communicate and interact with faculty and peers.
  3. Demonstrate sufficient hearing acuity to ensure a safe environment and the ability 在紧急情况下迅速作出反应.


  1. Demonstrate ability to function safely in a typical kitchen environment.
  2. Demonstrate ability to wear Personal Protective Equipment, or P.P.E. (i.e. 手套, aprons, and uniforms), for extended periods of time during kitchen duties.
  3. Demonstrate ability to tolerate prolonged periods of time amidst artificial lighting, air conditioning, dust and odors, residue from cleaning products, noise, congested workplace, extreme heat (100˚F), and extreme cold (0˚F).
  4. Demonstrate sensitivity and ability to protect self and others from environmental 风险和危害.
  5. Demonstrate awareness that the kitchen environment may contain latex and other allergens, including but not limited to chemical and mundane; tolerance of such allergens in 工作地点也必须展示出来.

The following language has been adapted from the Model Position Descriptions handbook as provided by The National Restaurant Association (2000). 这些标准不是 an exhaustive list of skills or abilities and reflect the minimum requirements needed for success in a commercial kitchen and learning environment.

The 烹饪艺术 Institute of 蒙哥马利县社区学院 is a learning institute and will accommodate qualified students with documented disabilities, wherever possible, who can perform the essential functions of the course, with or without reasonable 住宿.