
Dani Arcos Narvaez, 心理学专业, 最近入选了全宾夕法尼亚学术队, 由Phi Theta Kappa赞助, 两年制大学的国际荣誉协会, 以及宾夕法尼亚州社区学院委员会. Linda Johnson摄

Dani Arcos Narvaez, 心理学专业, was recently named to the All-Pennsylvania Academic Team, 由Phi Theta Kappa赞助, the international honor society for 两年的大学, 以及宾夕法尼亚州社区学院委员会. 照片 琳达·约翰逊

A 蒙哥马利县社区学院 student has been recognized for her achievements 进进出出教室.  

心理学 major Dani Arcos Narvaez 最近入选了全宾夕法尼亚学术队. 该队由…赞助 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), 两年制大学的国际荣誉协会, and the Pennsylvania 委员会 社区学院.

This recognition honors an exceptional group of community college students who have achieved academic excellence and demonstrated a commitment to their colleges and communities. To qualify, students must have completed at least 36 credits and have a cumulative GPA 3.5或以上.

The Pennsylvania 委员会 社区学院 recognized Narvaez and students Georgia Horosky and Mercy Ifiegbu with other award recipients at a state-wide event 4月2日在哈里斯堡.

“这感觉太棒了,”纳尔瓦兹在谈到奖学金时说. “感觉很超现实。. 这是 我没想到.”

Dani Arcos NarvaezNarvaez, 25, is a native of Ecuador, who currently lives in Norristown. 除了 to being the vice president 的奖学金 for the Alpha Kappa Zeta chapter of PTK on the 蓝铃校园, she is also the Student Government Association president, a student ambassador, a member of the President’s Leadership Council and a member of the 2025 Middle States 委员会 on Higher Education Steering Committee. 她是 also a member of Psi Beta, the national honor society for psychology students attending 两年的大学.


She joined PTK in the spring of 2023 and her role focuses on student outreach.

“I let them know about opportunities available through PTK,” 她说, “and encourage 他们要申请.”

Narvaez appreciates the fellowship that PTK provides and credits most of that to faculty 顾问和历史助理教授Catherine Parzynski.

纳尔瓦兹说:“她人很好,也很鼓舞人心. “她给了我们所需的资源. It can be information about scholarships, future options, transfer opportunities, she helps with meetings with representatives from universities and helps provide further 关于PTK在他们大学里的样子的信息. 她给了很多帮助 对我们来说. 还有零食,这是加分项.”

Dr. Parzynski说Narvaez给PTK留下了深刻的印象.

“I first met Dani Arcos Narvaez when she took my History 101 class in fall of 2022, 她在那里得了A。. Parzynski. “当她这样做的时候,我一点也不惊讶 invited to join the 蓝贝尔 chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society in the spring of 2023. PTK is an organization that celebrates the excellence of two-year college 像达尼这样的学生. 在过去的一年里,她干练地担任我们的副总裁 的奖学金. 她为中冶集团争光.”


This year Narvaez served as SGA president and was proud of all the organization had 能够完成.

“Overall, it was a growth opportunity in the best way possible,” 她说. “我学会了 很多关于其他学生和我自己的事. 有很多事件. 这很好 参与其中,了解学生需要什么才能成功.”

Two SGA projects Narvaez said stood out as absolute successes included bringing back hot food on 蓝铃校园 at The East End in Parkhouse Hall and finalizing an agreement 在浴室免费提供经期护理产品.

Before the return of hot food, Narvaez found students believed they were being forced 做一个艰难的决定.

“学校是一个让他们有归属感的地方,”她说. “拿走 direct access to hot food, an essential need, meant that many would either eat or 去上学. 结果,许多人选择辍学. 带回热的食物, 我们可以看到区别. 我们与政府合作,实现了这一目标. 这是 巨大的成功.”

Narvaez said compared to the fall semester, there is a noticeable increase in the number of students filling parking spaces in the Advanced Technology Center parking lot on 蓝铃校园, which she attributed to the return of hot food on campus.

“学生们不必回家,”她说. “他们可以留下来吃饭,去上课. 真的很棒.”

Guaranteeing free menstrual care products in bathrooms, meanwhile, has been a project 长期开发. 项目的重点是可持续性和提供产品 这将是持久的. 戒律圆, a Norristown-based nonprofit organization, which provides material goods, donated more than 2,000 products, covering the sustainability aspect, said Narvaez. SGA是 currently working with The Wellness Center on distribution of the projects.

“这是 been really good to be part of these life-changing experiences,” said Narvaez 今年的两个项目. “我认为这些是主要问题.”


Outside of the classroom, SGA and PTK, Narvaez stays busy as a member of the President’s 领导委员会,为学生的需求提供发言权. 她还是一名学生大使 working for the College, a member of Psi Beta, the honor society for psychology majors and the Usability Board, providing feedback to the Information Technology team on 可能影响学生的大学范围内的决定. 最后,她在 2025 Middle States Steering Committee doing research for the College’s reaccreditation.


As for her plans after MCCC, this summer Narvaez has been accepted into the 巴克内尔 社区大学学者暑期计划. 这个为期六周的暑期项目是住宿项目, on-campus experience at 巴克内尔 University designed “for high-achieving, low- to moderate-income community college students who want to take their education beyond 大专学历。. 对于在…期间表现良好的学生 在这个项目中,巴克内尔大学通常会提供两年的奖学金.

Narvaez said she’s excited by the opportunity and plans to work hard this summer in 这个项目.

“I am thrilled to attend 这个项目; it's a great opportunity to challenge myself and learn from others who are also doing all they can to achieve academic excellence,” 她说. “I have never thought of myself as a scholar, but having that opportunity gives me chills because I know it will take me out of my comfort zone.”

“I hope to complete 这个项目 successfully, make friends, grow as a developing professional, learn in and outside the classroom,” she continued, “and bring that mindset back on 让其他学生把自己看作是学者.”