The Challenger Learning Center at Montco Pottstown “flies” students on a variety of space-related missions designed for elementary and middle school students in grades 5-8. Aligned with national education standards and informed by real science data, our in-person simulations excite students about STEM, introduce students to careers in these fields, and help students build important 21st century skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration.

The space-themed simulation-based experiences are led by trained Challenger Flight Directors and take place in a fully immersive Space Station and Mission Control. 包围 by technology, each student plays a unique role in the mission as the team completes assignments, manipulates hands-on labs, and cope with simulated emergencies. 团队合作 is crucial, if one member fails to complete a job, the entire mission can be put at 风险. This differentiated approach allows for a truly personalized learning experience where students apply critical, scientific knowledge to real-world scenarios.


To learn more about in-person Challenger simulations, full-day STEM programs, or large group accommodations, please email the Center at

Challenger Learning Center Chaperone Policy: 挑战者中心 in-person missions are facilitated by trained Flight Directors. 我们的团队 需要 at least 2 teachers from the participating school remain present during the entire 两个小时的任务. One teacher will remain in the Spacecraft simulator, while the second teacher will be in the Mission Control simulator. Therefore 2 teachers or one teacher plus adult chaperone is required.



探月任务标志The Mission: NASA recently launched a Rover to the Moon to explore new areas and collect 关键科学数据. 然而, the Rover lost power before any of the findings 被送回地球吗. A faster and more reliable process to gather this type of 需要信息. The result is a new directive from NASA – human astronauts 会重返月球吗! A team of astronauts must board a Spacecraft and launch to the Moon in search of a long-term habitat on the Moon. A team of scientists and engineers are stationed in Mission Control on Earth to command and assist the astronauts on 他们的使命. Once the Spacecraft crew successfully lands on the Moon, they must deploy a Lunar Exploration Rover to investigate different areas of the lunar surface to identify a suitable location for a sustainable long-term human habitat. 然而, when the crew receives troubling readings from below the Moon’s surface, the two teams must work together and make critical decisions to turn a potential catastrophe into NASA最辉煌的时刻!

组大小 成本
10至36名学生 每组390元


彗星行动图标The Mission: A team of scientists and engineers are on a daring mission to take an up-close look at a 彗星 as it streaks across the galaxy. The goal is to plot a successful 课程 to Rendezvous with a Comet. First, the team must plot the correct intercept 课程. Then they must construct and launch a space probe to gather data from the 彗星. What seems to be a routine exploration at first, becomes filled with challenges 和紧急情况. Each obstacle 需要 students to work together as a team to find a solution in order to make the mission successful.


地球奥德赛图标The Mission: A recent coronal mass ejection has destroyed a vital space satellite responsible for gathering key Earth science information. Working together, the team at Mission Control and another aboard the Space Station, must build a new micro satellite 来替换丢失的那个. 然而, traveling into orbit during this time of increased solar activity poses 风险s of its own.


火星探险标志The Mission: The year is 2076. A handful of facilities have been established on Mars: a greenhouse, a mobile geological survey base, and a centralized research habitat. The primary human habitat is not on Mars, but on one of its moons, Phobos. 一个大的 shuttle regularly ferries astronauts and scientists between the base on Phobos and 火星表面. This shuttle, or Spacecraft, carries parts to build a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to continue the search for evidence of life and water. 然而, when crew members discover an imminent threat to their Spacecraft and the Martian surface facilities, they must act quickly to save their stations, their research, 他们的生活.

Male student wearing a headset participates in the 虚拟任务


Designed for students in grades 5-8, the one-hour virtual missions are delivered in real-time and focus on the importance of teamwork and collaboration.