Timely Warnings

Board of Trustee Policy: 5.20

Date: December 2019

Supersedes: February 2014


蒙哥马利县社区学院(学院),作为联邦称号的接受者 四、学生的经济资助资金,是需要遵守贞德规定的 明确披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计数据 referred to as the Clery Act. One provision of the Clery Act is that all postsecondary 接受联邦第四章学生经济援助资金的机构必须及时发放 warnings to the campus community under certain circumstances. To comply with the Clery 关于及时预警的法案授权,蒙哥马利县社区学院已经发展起来 the policy guidelines below.


对下列犯罪行为,有举报的,应当及时给予警告 to campus security authorities (CSA) or local police agencies; are considered by the College to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees; and/or occur in certain geographic locations as defined by the Clery Act:

  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
  • Negligent manslaughter
  • Forcible and non-forcible sex offenses
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson

学院需要及时发出警告,在克莱指定的罪行 以下地理位置:校园内,公共财产和非校园建筑 and property.

On campus

由机构在其合理范围内拥有或控制的建筑物或财产 一个连续的地理区域,由机构直接支持,或在 与学校的教育目的有关的方式,包括宿舍; 以及位于校园内或合理毗邻校园的任何建筑物或财产, 由该机构拥有但由另一个人控制,这是经常使用的 由学生,并支持机构目的(如食品或其他零售供应商). 对于学院,校园建筑和财产(不包括烹饪艺术学院) and the Montgomery County Training Center) would be included as on campus.

Public property

公共财产,包括大道、街道、人行道和停车设施 within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. For West Campus, public property includes; streets, alleys, sidewalks, and the bus stop 在校园附近或校园的中间,以及140号的停车场 College Drive and 95 S. Hanover Street.

Non-campus buildings or property

直接使用的机构拥有或控制的建筑物或财产 学生经常使用“支持”或“与之相关”这个词, 并且不在同一机构的合理连续地理区域内. 烹饪艺术学院和蒙哥马利县培训中心也将包括在内 as non-campus buildings.


学院不需要及时发出警告的克莱里指定的罪行 发生在校外的犯罪,但在公共场所发生的犯罪除外 or in (on) non-campus buildings or property, as defined and described above. However, 学院认识到,在某些情况下,及时的警告,即使不需要 by the Clery Act, may benefit the campus community. The following criteria must be 召开了一次会议,要求学院对校外犯罪行为及时发出警告 require a timely warning under the Clery Act.

  1. 犯罪是谋杀、强奸或其他严重的暴力袭击,或当地市政当局 requests that the College issue a timely warning.
  2. The crime occurred in a geographic area frequented by College students.
  3. The crime represents a continuous threat to the College community.
Types of Timely Warnings

及时的警告,无论是否由克莱里法案要求,将被识别和 posted as a Blanket Warnings, Targeted Warnings, or Informational Alerts.

Blanket Warnings are defined as timely warnings for the purpose of alerting the campus of a crime which affects the entire campus or a majority of the campus. Blanket Warnings will 导致“所有员工”和“所有在校学生”的电子邮件爆炸和建筑帖子 by Building Administrators. Blanket Warnings also will be posted on the College website.

Targeted Warnings 被定义为及时警告提供给特定的员工和/或学生谁 may be affected by the occurrence of a crime. Targeted Alerts will be used when it is determined that a Campus-wide Safety Alert is not necessary or appropriate. Targeted 警报将导致校园社区的一部分人收到电子邮件通知 and postings in selected buildings. Targeted Alerts also will be posted on the College website.

Informational Alerts 被定义为为了…目的而提供给特定个人的通信 向这些个人提供必要的信息,以避免不必要的关注 or anxiety. Informational alerts will result in the entire campus or a portion of the campus receiving an email; postings in selected buildings may also occur.

Campus Security Authority

According to federal law a campus security authority is 对学生和学生负有重大责任的机构官员 校园活动,包括但不限于,学生宿舍,学生纪律 and campus judicial proceedings. An “official” is defined as any person who has the 代表代表采取行动或对特定问题作出反应的权力和责任 the institution”. 他们包括公共安全部的任何成员,副总统, Deans, select Directors, Athletic coaches, advisors and select counselors. Faculty 担任社务顾问、系务协调人或学生顾问的会员亦有此资格 considered campus security authorities.

当校园保安收到涉及克莱指定犯罪的信息时 当局(CSA), CSA将立即联系公共安全部门 to advise the Department of the information. When the Department of Public Safety 收到报告后,当值的高级公共安全人员会与署长联络 of Campus Safety or designee or his/her designee. The Director of Campus Safety or designee or his/her designee will then advise the President or his/her designee. The 董事或其指定人将向总裁或其指定人提供一份简短的说明 of the crime and the criteria he believes are relevant in considering whether a Blanket Warning, Targeted Warning, or Informational Alert should be published. Because the value of a timely warning usually diminishes with 随着时间的推移,重要的是要尽快发出任何警告或警报.

Criteria to determine the need for Timely Warnings

在确定是否需要全面预警时,将采用以下标准: Targeted Warning or Informational Alert:

  1. Nature of Crime
  2. Degree of continuing danger to the campus community*
  3. Possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts
  4. 犯罪发生在克莱利法界定的三个地理区域之一:校园; Off Campus, Public Property

*持续危险将由下列一个或多个因素决定 类似犯罪发生的可能性,行为人是否仍在逃; and whether the crime is egregious. MCCC may issue a timely warning even if the perpetrator has been arrested.

Distribution/Publication of Timely Warnings

所有全面警告、目标警告和信息警报将被分发 根据紧急通知,通过电子邮件和其他批准的通信方法 Policy. Blanket Warnings and Targeted Warnings will be posted on the College website. All warnings and alerts will expire after two weeks. If a continuing threat exists, a new warning or alert will be released and posted.